Our anaesthetic modular breathing systems are a range of standard breathing systems designed to help improve safety and meet the majority of clinical situations whilst improving inventory management and reduces waste.
All systems benefit from an integrated monitoring line and Silver Knight™ anti-microbial additive improving patient safety and reducing the risk of cross contamination in the operating room.
A choice of either Flextube or UniFlow™ breathing systems in a range of tube lengths from 1.6m to 5.6m and the option of Compact™ or Flextube™ bagging limbs. The Anaesthetic Modular Breathing Systems provide maximum product flexibility whilst minimising unnecessary waste and providing improved security of supply.
For ease of reference the new Anaesthetic Modular Breathing Systems uses the last 2 digits of each product code to indicate the length of the breathing system or limb. For example, 2919016 is 1.6m in length.