StarMed CaStar R hood for NIV use

The CaStar R hood is a comfortable, versatile and lightweight patient interface for NIV.  It is designed to offer an efficient and comfortable alternative to traditional methods of non-invasive respiratory support, it is well tolerated for extended periods and can reduce the risks associated with both endotracheal intubation and face mask use.
Generally used on the mechanical ventilator for delivering NImV (non-invasive mechanical ventilation), the CaStar R is also a versatile interface that can be used to provide optimal CPAP therapy via a constant flow generator and a mechanical PEEP valve.
Beside the clinical advantages of the respiratory hoods for treating respiratory diseases, in light of the COVID-19 global pandemic the StarMed interface has been identified as an optimal tool for reducing the risk of cross infection. Owing to the semi-closed environment design and the virtually leak-free seal, all expired gas from the patient is evacuated from the internal volume through the expiratory limb of the hood, which can be fitted with a breathing filter.
Intersurgical proposes a number of accessories to enhance treatment flexibility with the CaStar R NIV hood. Some examples below, check out the NIV hoods accessory page for more details.
Some accessories to use the NIV hood for providing high flow CPAP therapy:
  • VentuPlus Venturi flow driver accessory
  • Breathing filter
  • Adjustable PEEP valve 0-20 cmH2O with 22F connection
  • 22F/22F adaptor with built-in manometer
The StarMed study database features studies covering a range of clinical scenarios and each study entry includes a brief summary abstract and further categorisation and tagging so you can search for studies based on their clinical setting, author, journal, date and any key words.  A COVID-19 category has been recently created and we will continue to add new posts as further studies are released - so keep checking for the latest supporting material.
For further practical details key studies discussing optimal ventilator settings and CO2 rebreathing topics are extensively discussed in our StarMed study portfolio.




Chest. 2015 May;147(5):1336-43
Respir Res. 2020 Oct 9;21(1):260
Eur Respir Rev. 2020 Apr 3;29(155):200068
Mojoli F, Iotti GA, Currò I, Pozzi M, Via G, Venti A, Braschi A
Intensive Care Med. 2013 Jan;39(1):38-44
Vargas F, Thille A, Lyazidi A, Campo FR, Brochard L.
Crit Care Med. 2009 Jun;37(6):1921-8
Fodil R, Lellouche F, Mancebo J, Sbirlea-Apiou G, Isabey D, Brochard L, Louis B.
Intensive Care Med. 2011 Feb;37(2):257-62
Mojoli F, Iotti GA, Gerletti M, Lucarini C, Braschi A
Intensive Care Med. 2008 Aug;34(8):1454-60


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