Quick, easy and reliable to insert, i-gel® from Intersurgical is ideal for use as a routine airway in anaesthesia. Providing high seal pressures and reduced trauma, it also incorporates a gastric channel to give additional protection against aspiration and has the versatility to be applicable for use during difficult airway management, as a rescue device and as a conduit for intubation (with fibreoptic guidance, for i-gel® sizes 3, 4 and 5).
Related Pages

i-gel ® features and benefits
1. 15mm connector - Reliable connection to any standard catheter mount or connection
2. Proximal end of gastric channel
3. Clearly displayed product information - For quick easy reference Includes confirmation of size and weight guidance
4. Position guide (adults sizes only) - Easy confimration of optimum insertion depth
5. Gastric channel - The i-gel® incorporates a gastric channel (except size 1). It provides an early warning of regurgitation, allows for the passing of a nasogastric tube to empty the stomach contents and facilites venting
6. Integral bite block - Reduces the possibility of airway channel occlusion
7. Buccal cavity stabiliser - Aids insertion and reduces the potential for rotation
8. Epiglottic rest - Reduces the possibility of epiglottis ‘down folding’ and airway obstruction
9. Non-inflatable cuff - Eliminates the need for cuff inflation after insertion, allowing easy and rapid insertion and reduced trauma
10. Distal end of gastric channel

Innovative packaging
i-gel® is available in seven sizes and supplied in an innovative, colour-coded protective cradle (adult sizes) or cage pack (paediatric sizes), to ensure the product is maintained in the correct flexion prior to use, important for patient safety and product performance, and to optimise gas circulation for effective sterilisation. The cradle and cage pack also acts as a base for lubrication.
The protective cradle (adult sizes) and cage pack (paediatric sizes) for standard i-gel® are both made from polypropylene (PP) and can be recycled. The appropriate recycling symbol is already on the cage pack and is in the process of being added to the protective cradle.
Image to right: The recycling symbol can be seen on the underside of the cage pack of the paediatric sizes (blue) and on the adult sizes (green).

i-gel® bibliographies

Featuring all known clinical evidence on the i-gel®, the second edition of the bibliography compiles studies, case reports and correspondence on the performance of the device in anaesthesia, difficult airway management and resuscitation.
Our i-gel® Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine bibliography provides the same information as our standard booklet, but features studies relating only to the use of i-gel in a resuscitation or emergency medicine setting.
Both are available for free as a PDF using the links below or in print upon request.
Ordering information
Code | Description | Size | Weight | Colour | Box quantity |
8205000 | i-gel® supraglottic airway, large adult | 5 | 90+ kg | orange | 25 |
8204000 | i-gel® supraglottic airway, medium adult | 4 | 50 - 90 kg | green | 25 |
8203000 | i-gel® supraglottic airway, small adult | 3 | 30 - 60 kg | yellow | 25 |
8225000 | i-gel® supraglottic airway, large paediatric | 2.5 | 25 - 35 kg | white | 10 |
8202000 | i-gel® supraglottic airway, small paediatric | 2 | 10 - 25 kg | grey | 10 |
8215000 | i-gel® supraglottic airway, infant | 1.5 | 5 - 12 kg | light blue | 10 |
8201000 | i-gel® supraglottic airway, neonate | 1 | 2 - 5 kg | pink | 10 |

If you would like to try any of the i-gel® products or maybe just ask a question then please get in touch
Some or all of the contents of this page may not be applicable to the USA. For details regarding product availability, information and technical support in North America, please contact Intersurgical Inc at support@intersurgicalinc.com.